Breathe, Honorable Mention, Oil painting on canvas, by Katie Shen, 15 year-old.
2025 Spring Semester
1, Semester Payment Information:
Dates: January 8, 2025 to June 8, 2025
Total Classes: 20
Tuition: $905 ($875 for students under 12, with a $30 material fee discount)
Payment Due: At the time of registration
2, Part-Time Payment Information:
Cost: $55 per session, paid at each class
Eligibility: Open to students aged 14 and older
Availability: Maximun 1 part-time seat per class
时间:2025年1月8日 至 2025年6月8日
Note: Semester tuition does not include Spring Break (March 26–30, 2025) and the entire Memorial Day week (May 21–25, 2025).
2024 Fall Semester
1, Semester payment: from 08/24/2024 to 12/22/2024*, total 16 sessions, tuition $725. The tuition payment is due on the day of registration.
2, Monthly payment: monthly fee is based on the rate of $48 per session, The first monthly fee is due on the registration, and the rest is due on every first class of the month.
3, Part-time payment: $50/session, due at the time of each class. The part-time program is open only to students who are14-year-old or older. The maximum number of part-time seats is 1 for each class.
4, Teaching Content brief: The fall semester focuses more on creativity to prepare for the annual Scholastic Art & Writing Awards (, the biggest art competition for American middle and high school students aged 13 and older. Students under 13 and those who chose not to participate in the competition will practice drawing and painting as usual.
1, 学期制:从08/24/2023 到 12/22/2023*,总共16堂课,学费$725。学费在登记时交付。
2, 月费制:月费根据$48/课时费率而定。
4, 教学内容简介:秋季教学内容着重创意,以配合一年一度的美国最大中学生(13岁以上)美术比赛 - Scholastic (。不满13岁的以及选择不参加比赛的学生将在素描和色彩中循环练习。
*No Classes during Labor Day long weekend and the whole Thanksgiving week.
2024 Summer Semester
1, Semester payment: from 06/15/2024 to 07/21/2024 (no classes during July 4th weekend), tuition $220 for a total of 5 sessions. The payment is due on the day of registration. *
2, Monthly payment: The monthly fee is based on the rate of $47 per session, The first monthly fee is due on the registration, and the rest is due on every first class of the month. *
3, Part-time payment: $50/session, due at the time of each class. The part-time program is open only to students who are 14 years old or older. The maximum number of part-time seats is 1 for each class.
1,,学期制:从06/15/2024 to 07/21/2024,学费$220,共5堂课。学费在登记时交付。*
The summer semester extends to August 4, 2024, adding two more sessions, with a fee of $88.
夏季学期增加2周, 延期至08/04,学费$88.
*Tuition includes materials